Our content aims to provide qualified operations engineers and technicians with practical, up-to-date information in a professional and compelling format to support them in their daily activities and their decision-making. It talks their language.
Operations Engineer posts new content, such as news and feature articles, to its website every week. These are also collected into a new weekly e-newsletter and an enhanced quarterly printed journal.
The scope of content is set out in an annual editorial programme to ensure that all core topics are covered with high-value content throughout the year. Regular sections within our quarterly print product include:
Comment – the editor’s opinion of a particular development, current campaign or critical issue.
News and analysis – latest developments within industry.
Quick Fire Tips – helpful, easy-to-digest advice from those within industry.
Features– plant and equipment features, maintenance and asset management features, industry issues features, regulatory features and industry focus features.
External Events– a look at upcoming events in the UK and abroad.
Case studies– helping our readers to learn from their peers’ engineering choices and experience.
Products – what’s new for practicing engineers and engineering managers.
Accident Report – a look at recent health and safety prosecutions within the UK.
Legal – legal news and views on specific topics.